Q&A Ingle Symposium Disinfection Questions+


This clip is from the below referenced episode. Click the below episode link for more details.

Ruddle and Lisette do another Q&A on disinfection, with additional questions related to BC Sealer and the Single Cone technique. All questions were taken from lecture attendees at the USC Ingle Symposium earlier in the year.

Duration 20:12
Released 12/16/2024
Originally Aired 07/03/2024
Watch the Entire Episode
This clip is from the following full episode:

S11 E05 "The Look" & Disinfection Is "The Look" Controversial & Ingle Symposium Inspired Q&A


The show begins with Ruddle & Lisette discussing an unusual service that you might want to consider adding to your practice: Vampire fangs! Then, decades ago, Herb Schilder described cases that fulfilled the 5 mechanical objectives as having “the Look”; is this controversial? After, Ruddle and Lisette do a Q&A with disinfection-related questions from lecture attendees at the USC Ingle Symposium earlier this year. The episode concludes with a couple case reports; can a case be successful and NOT have “the Look”, or vice versa?

See Show Notes on the Full Episode
This clip is from the following full episode:

S11 E05 "The Look" & Disinfection Is "The Look" Controversial & Ingle Symposium Inspired Q&A


The show begins with Ruddle & Lisette discussing an unusual service that you might want to consider adding to your practice: Vampire fangs! Then, decades ago, Herb Schilder described cases that fulfilled the 5 mechanical objectives as having “the Look”; is this controversial? After, Ruddle and Lisette do a Q&A with disinfection-related questions from lecture attendees at the USC Ingle Symposium earlier this year. The episode concludes with a couple case reports; can a case be successful and NOT have “the Look”, or vice versa?

For Related Polls, see the Full Episode
This clip is from the following full episode:

S11 E05 "The Look" & Disinfection Is "The Look" Controversial & Ingle Symposium Inspired Q&A


The show begins with Ruddle & Lisette discussing an unusual service that you might want to consider adding to your practice: Vampire fangs! Then, decades ago, Herb Schilder described cases that fulfilled the 5 mechanical objectives as having “the Look”; is this controversial? After, Ruddle and Lisette do a Q&A with disinfection-related questions from lecture attendees at the USC Ingle Symposium earlier this year. The episode concludes with a couple case reports; can a case be successful and NOT have “the Look”, or vice versa?

Transcript Available on the Full Episode
This clip is from the following full episode:

S11 E05 "The Look" & Disinfection Is "The Look" Controversial & Ingle Symposium Inspired Q&A


The show begins with Ruddle & Lisette discussing an unusual service that you might want to consider adding to your practice: Vampire fangs! Then, decades ago, Herb Schilder described cases that fulfilled the 5 mechanical objectives as having “the Look”; is this controversial? After, Ruddle and Lisette do a Q&A with disinfection-related questions from lecture attendees at the USC Ingle Symposium earlier this year. The episode concludes with a couple case reports; can a case be successful and NOT have “the Look”, or vice versa?

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Note: Submitted questions have been forwarded to The Ruddle Show team for future follow up either directly or within an upcoming show. Please be on the lookout! In the meantime, you may enjoy our Just-In-Time portal at endoruddle.com/jit for additional content, including FREE downloadable PDFs and educational videos.